The Ten Strangest Jobs in the Travel Industry
By Ann Tatko-Peterson, Contra Costa Times, Walnut Creek, Calif.McClatchy-Tribune Regional News
January 30, 2009 -
Not your everyday job
Top 10 Strangest Jobs in the Travel Industry, according to Travel + Leisure.
--Hotel Falconer, Biltmore Four Seasons, Santa Barbara -- walks falcon around pool to shoo away seagulls.
--Airport Hunters, Zurich Airport, Switzerland -- chase off wild animals near runways.
--Coconut Safety Engineer, Ritz-Carlton, St. Thomas -- picks ripened coconuts before they fall.
--Karaoke Taxi Drivers, Helsinki, Finland -- drive karaoke-singing riders.
--Duckmaster, Peabody Hotel, Memphis -- cares for five mallard ducks who live and perform at hotel.
--Tourism Ambassador, Japan -- role currently held by anime character Hello Kitty (pictured).
--Sewer Guide, Paris -- boat tourists through Museum of the Sewer under Paris' streets.
--Lego Professional Gluer, Legoland California, Carlsbad -- glues toy bricks based on designers' plans.
--Monkey Men, Amanbagh Resort, Rajasthan, India -- keep native monkeys from stealing guests' cookies.
--Manners Police, Venice, Italy -- keep unruly tourists in check.