28% of Group Sales Inquiries Are Lost, Ignored or Abandoned
The same could be said about Group Sales Managers. In today's tough business climate do you find your sales ppl Lost, Ignored or Abandoned? Just popped into my head after reading this alarming statistic on group sales lost.
Might want to shop your phone inquiry, electronic rfp systems etc.
Enjoy -
Ft. Lauderdale – May 12, 2009: An independent test conducted on 750 hotels found that even in this time of declining hotel revenues, 28% of new group sales inquiries are lost, ignored or abandoned. The test was conducted by Quality Track International in April 2009.
Don Bundock, CEO of Quality Track International, says “This result was surprising when you consider the revenue challenges hotels are currently facing. These results did not vary significantly from the first time we conducted this test in 2007 even though the economy is much more difficult now.”
“Frankly, under the current conditions, we expected to see an increase in effective and efficient inquiry handling. These results reflect the national average. There are many properties that are missing out on as much as 50% of their demand” continued Bundock.
All properties tested were from major brands. Each of the 750 properties tested received four individual group sales inquiry calls. The immediate availability of a Sales Manager was documented but if no one was available, a message was left and the time lapsed to the return call was calculated.
The test was conducted using the Quality Track SMART Call program. Sales Manager Access and Response Time (SMART) Calls maximize the effectiveness and responsiveness of a sales team. Quality Track clients on the SMART Call program are proven to respond to 95% of all sales inquiries in 4 hours or less.
Hotels representing 15 brands from all tiers were included in the current test. Quality Track does not publish individual brand results publicly. Brand and property reports are available to verifiable brand managers on request.
About Quality Track International, Inc.: Quality Track International is an innovative provider of a full range of mystery shopping and performance development tools to the hospitality industry.
For more information or to request brand reports contact: Mr. Donald Bundock, CEO, Quality Track International, Inc., at (416) 693-5426 or by e-mail at Don.Bundock@QualityTrack.com
15 years ago