It worked for President Barack Obama, now it seems the powerful social media group facebook, may save the Lehigh Valley Zoo. When I first received an email from the Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce that it had a facebook page, I giggled and thought who has time for that? Next, the Lehigh Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau said they were launching InSite, their new Blog. Again, I said who has time for that? Then on January 7th an old fashion email came across my computer from Tracey Werner, the Lehigh Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau Director of Public Relations and everything technology manager, said there is a group discussion on Linkedin about the Lehigh Valley Zoo, you should check it out. Now, I had time for that!
Saving the Lehigh Valley Zoo, has been my cause, since its threat of closure in 2004. Concerned about the loss of the quality of life benefits derived from having a zoo in our community several concerned citizen’s developed the Lehigh Valley Zoological Society and hired professional zoo management to operate the Zoo in Lehigh County.
As I stumbled my way through the social media maze of networks, groups, friends, etc. I stumbled on the Save the Lehigh Valley Zoo facebook page. Here was a grass roots effort to again save the Lehigh Valley Zoo. Just like the old days (2004), when Diane Stein, aka the Zoo lady, passed around a notepad at the Lehigh County Commissioner’s meeting, for concerned citizen’s to submit their email address. Four year’s later email is yesterday’s news. The Save the Lehigh Valley Zoo facebook page on January 16th had approximately 150 members. I joined the group and challenged them for 5000 members by the year’s end. In 12 days, the group passed 700 members, 5000 by year’s end seems conservative.
January 30th, Lehigh County Commissioner Bill Leiner Jr. posted a “come out and see you local government in action, support the Lehigh Valley Zoo at the February 11th commissioners meeting” This is when legislation to fund the Lehigh Valley Zoo will be voted on. Commissioners Dean Browning and Glen Eckhart have a facebook page, along with County Executive Don Cunningham. This event may need to be moved to Lehigh University’s Stabler Arena, if all the Save the Lehigh Valley Zoo facebook members show up.
Joanna Hansen the creator of the Save the Lehigh Valley Zoo facebook page has organized a couple of days to meet face to face at the Zoo, Friday February 13th and Saturday February 28th at 10:30AM. How many ppl show up will be dependent on the weather and how powerful this social media culture can be. Are these fans of the Lehigh Valley Zoo, truly engaged, or are they merely trying to add contacts, to beat some social network Guinness Book of world record? I hope they donate their time and money to saving the Zoo!
Today, many marketers are debating the power and usefulness of social media for the promotion and delivery of information for small businesses, big business, political campaigns, and mainstream media. In the past 2 weeks, I have become a believer and look forward to celebrating 5000 members on the future We Saved the Lehigh Valley Zoo facebook page.
Having been to the LV Zoo back in August and then to another shortly after I would suggest that the fine folks at the Lehigh Valley Zoon consider visiting http://www.capemaycountyzoo.org/ That Zoo is free to get into, and has a lot to offer the area. It isn't much larger, if at all, then the LV zoo and yet it doesn't seem to have the same issues.
Many of the folks have visited the Cape May County Zoo. The zoo is managed by the Cape May County Park system and has access to many resources. Thanks for the post.
No need to be anonymous - I don't bite.
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