Friday June 28th, I had the pleasure to facilitate team building activities for an unique group of young people from all over the globe. Every year over 100 international students visit Lehigh University to participate in their Global Village for Future Leaders program. As part of the leadership training, each work group has the opportunity to visit Dutch Springs in Bethlehem, PA and participate in experiential team building activities delivered by NorthStar Team Development. The team I worked with was Team Magic League. It is incredible how 7 students ranging from 21 -33 years of age, with different cultures and nationalities can quickly come together to work on a common goal. The activities NorthStar Team Development combine experiential challenges that showcase leadership skills like goal setting, risk taking, collaboration and problems solving. After a 1/2 day of team building activities, the 100+ students dined on pizza and salads and then heading to The Aqua Park at Dutch Springs for a refreshing good time in the water. Follow the links for more information on
Global Village,
Dutch Springs,
NorthStar Team Development or the
Lehigh Valley.
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